Umbrella Company vs Agency PAYE

Should you choose agency PAYE contracting over umbrella contracting? Have more questions on PAYE vs Umbrella? Talk to the team at Umbrella Supermarket today.

You’re certainly not alone in facing that decision – there are hundreds of thousands of contractors who choose not to take the limited company route because of the paperwork, the administration, and the need to interact on a regular basis with HMRC or simply IR35. You may have heard of umbrella companies but you may not have heard of agency PAYE – what are they and which one is right for you?

With both approaches, you become an employee of an organisation and that organisation then pays your taxes, engages with HMRC on your behalf, and completes all the necessary administration tasks connected with employment. You will earn your money under the pay-as-you-earn, Real Time Information system as either an umbrella contractor or a PAYE contractor – you personally will not need to complete a self-assessment form (except under certain circumstances).

Agency PAYE rates are more likely to be offered by recruitment agencies, whereas umbrella companies are generally accepted by both the end client and the agency.

In the event you are offered both options you will be quoted two rates – the PAYE rate and the umbrella rate. The umbrella rate is higher to take account of the fact that this arrangement includes general employer outgoings and the umbrella company’s profit margin. Regardless of which option you take, the amount of money you actually take home will be roughly similar to each other in most cases.

In this article will examine the subtle differences between the two options.



Both agency PAYE contractors and umbrella company contractors are required to submit timesheets at the end of a given period so that their client can be invoiced for payment. Umbrella company contractors have slightly more paperwork than an agency PAYE contractor because you will probably need to submit a timesheet to both the agency and the umbrella.


Contract length and work history

Agency PAYE arrangements can be attractive for lower-paid temporary singular contracts but if your goal is to work on a number of assignments (organised by different recruitment agencies) at once then an umbrella company is the best way forward.

This is because you will pay a higher rate of tax on your second employment, so it’s best to keep just one employer for multiple contracts in order to pay less tax.

Alternatively you may wish to work temporarily on a contract before returning to full-time permanent employment. In these cases, agency PAYE is likely to be the better option as you will likely keep more money from your labour.

Expenses and employment benefits

As an employee of an umbrella or your agency you will be entitled to statutory benefits and a pension.

You should also be able to claim back expenses incurred in the course of fulfilling the contract, however this will need to be checked on a company by company basis.

To differentiate themselves from agency PAYE, some umbrella companies now go further than these benefits by offering perks such as free cinema tickets, coffee and retail discounts. If you use these benefits regularly then the financial savings they offer can make a real difference to your after tax expenditure. This means that while you might take home the same after tax using agency PAYE or an umbrella company, with the umbrella you could be left with more in the bank at the end of the month.


Other things to think about

Most contractors are advised to take out insurance prior to beginning work for a client – in fact, for many clients, having adequate insurance is a pre-requisite to being short-listed for the work. Recruitment agencies and umbrella companies will often provide you with the cover you need to start work on a contract. The competition between umbrella companies has led to many of them offering impressive levels of accident cover, life cover, and health insurance at no extra cost to their contractors.

Umbrella companies are much more likely to provide contractor-centred human resources support to their contractors if they need help in a work situation or if they need to raise a grievance – remember that they receive their income from you and not your client. The situation is different with agency PAYE arrangements because their customer is, in fact, the client. Some recruitment agencies may not be able or willing to provide you with support because they don’t have the infrastructure to do it and/or because they might be worried that they will lose their client’s business.

It’s important to note that an agency will be taking a proportion of your day rate before you get paid as their fee for maintaining your contract. In the longer term you might wish to break away from your agency in order to take home a higher day rate, but if your agency is also your employer it might prove more difficult to do so.

Find the right umbrella for you

It’s always better to get advice on whether the umbrella contractor or agency PAYE contractor route is better for you. In most cases, accountants will recommend an umbrella contractor arrangement because of the additional perks that agencies will offer to tempt you to start working with them. Don’t forget that you can claim back limited expenses as an umbrella contractor too which may mean you take home more pay than you would have done otherwise. It’s good to ask an expert to run a personalised calculation on your behalf before making a decision.

If you decide or if you are advised that the umbrella contractor route is the right one for you, how do you find the best umbrella company to suit your personal, financial, and professional goals? The answer is to start your search through Umbrella Supermarket.

To start your search, please click here.


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